Environment/Agriculture Improvement Program
Acquiring 25 hector of hilly land at Gotikhel village, GWP has been running its environment projects from the very beginning of its establishment. With the community forest concept GWP has restarted its endeavor for environment improvement as well as supporting local community for finding and creating environment friendly local resources. GWP suggested to plant trees in their unused and neglected piece of land. GWP stared its preparation for Daphne (Lokta) plantation for local handmade paper industry which is going on and in the mean time now in collaboration with local people GWP started nursery for Lothsallo for plantation of Lothsallo tree which is exportable for making medicine for cancer treatment.
Target audiences of the programs
- Marginalized girls from SHG’s members
- Rural people (women/men)
Similarly for raising awareness GWP, organized various talk programs among the community including among students but not limited to them (ex. raising awareness for World Environment Day). During this year, GWP organized the world Environment Day with different activities like tree plantation within environment improvement program at NMKT Resource Centre , Makwanpur. GWP is engaged on tree plantation. It has planted different types of trees in Bastipur demonstration project area.GWP is encouraging community to plant such trees every on the occasion of World Environment Day every year.
GWP has been delivering it’s environment projects from the very beginning of it’s establishment. To safeguard the respiratory problem of village housewife’s at Gotikhel, to motivate the village people to consume less forest wood and to replace the trees, and to generate income from new methods of crop cultivation, GWP introduced smokeless ovens, community tree planting and modern methods of crop cultivation projects. GWP has been implementing the Environment/Agricultural improvement program in Lalitpur and Makwanpur Districts.
1. Tree Planting
Within the environment improvement program, GWP is also engaged in tree plantation. The program has planted different types of trees in the Bastipur demonstration project area as well as in Gottikhel in the Lalitpur Distirct. GWP is encouraging communities to plant such trees as it will give them income and a better environment in the near future and for generations to come.
For the tree planting activities, GWP acquired 25 Ropani of hilly land at Gotikhel and tried to motivate the village people there to plant trees on the presently unused and neglected piece of land. Generally, the village people possess the sense of the importance of trees and plants, and generating Lokta to produce Nepali paper income from it. In order to motivate the village people, GWP allocated 6 Ropani of land for the plantation of apple plants, 9 Ropani of land for the forestation of Uttish trees (used for firewood and carpentry), and the rest of the land of 10 Ropani was forested for Mitchumata and Nepali Lokta (used for paper products) for local community peoples’ income generation program.
2. Farming
GWP is continuing the environment activities in Makwanpur with self employment program making demonstration vegitable farming, goat farming, pig farming, chicken farming, ginger farming, tree plantation, candle light, tailoring, glossary shop through micro finance, buffalo farming, mushroom farming son on. . From 2009 GWP is going to start a demonstration environment friendly recycled paper making plant at Bastipur. This activities will not only generate employment among marginalized girl groups but also support scientific lokta farming in the community.
GWP acquired 1-06-10 Bigha of land where a 10 horse power electric water pump has been installed to pump the irrigation water from Rapti River which is 135 feet down and away from the actual agriculture land. The main motto of GWP is to demonstrate the possibilities for the communities to build their capacity. GWP demonstrated that even in this area where there is normally a scarcity of water, rice cultivation was possible. This motivated the community people to generate more income through their local available resources by cultivating valuable crops like vegetable, fruits and rice. Presently, GWP is supporting the community by providing water irrigation at a subsidized rate. With the support of GWP, the community is now engaged in cultivating valuable crops, which has resulted in the gradual change in the livelihood of the community.
In Bastipur, GWP developed a strategy to lift river water 67 meters up a hill to engage in farming practices which includes rice farming, vegetable farming and fisheries (under planning). Before this exercise, no one was interested in these types of farming practices or even believed that they can bring water up to such a high level to make their land cultivable for valuable crops. Now, the community is enthusiastic and working hard for their economic betterment.
Target audiences of the programs
- Rural people (women/men)
- Students
- Adolescent/Young Adult
- Community Leaders